Fur Institute Recognises Contributions to Animal Welfare, Conservation

Fur Institute Recognises Contributions to Animal Welfare, Conservation


On June 21-22, the Fur Institute of Canada held its Annual General Meeting in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador, and…
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National Seal Products Day 2024

National Seal Products Day 2024


On May 28, representatives of Canadian sealing communities descended on Ottawa’s Parliament Hill to mark National Seal Products Day, and…
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Truth About Fur Podcast Launched

Truth About Fur Podcast Launched


This May saw the launch of the Truth About Fur Podcast, a collaborative effort of the Fur Institute of Canada…
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Debating Fur before Dinner

Debating Fur before Dinner


I was just putting a salmon filet (marinated with mustard and maple syrup) into the oven when the phone rang….
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As Society’s Grasp of Sustainability Improves, Is Fur Making a Comeback?

As Society’s Grasp of Sustainability Improves, Is Fur Making a Comeback?


After decades of shrinking markets amid incessant attacks from animal rights groups, could real fur actually be on the verge…
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Dilan and Emmy: Young Québecois Furriers Join Forces

Dilan and Emmy: Young Québecois Furriers Join Forces


Dilan and Emmy share a passion for fur – a passion they are working to transmit to a new generation…
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Fur Day on the Hill 2024: Fur Institute Strengthens Political Ties

Fur Day on the Hill 2024: Fur Institute Strengthens Political Ties


On February 6, the Fur Institute of Canada returned to Ottawa for Fur Day on the Hill 2024. Supporting us…
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Dilan Porzuczek Shows Fashion Students the Excitement of Fur

Dilan Porzuczek Shows Fashion Students the Excitement of Fur


Dilan Porzuczek has a passion for fur — a passion he’s now sharing with a new generation of talented young…
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Fur Stirrer Fry

Fur Stirrer Fry


This article was first published in Country Squire Magazine on Jan. 12, 2024, and has been slightly edited. It is…
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R.I.P. Mark Small: A Passionate Champion of Canada’s Sealers

R.I.P. Mark Small: A Passionate Champion of Canada’s Sealers


The Canadian Sealers Association has lost one of its major figures and a courageous champion with the death of past…
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Fashion Students Pumped at Montreal Fur Rendezvous

Fashion Students Pumped at Montreal Fur Rendezvous


There’s a bright future for the North American fur trade if the excitement of fashion students at the recent Montreal…
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Montreal’s Fur Ateliers Maintaining Traditional Skills

Montreal’s Fur Ateliers Maintaining Traditional Skills


When I was a child, in the 1950s, my father would sometimes bring me down to my grandfather’s fur atelier,…
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