This May saw the launch of the Truth About Fur Podcast, a collaborative effort of the Fur Institute of Canada and the Blood Origins Canada Foundation, the national branch of a global nonprofit dedicated to telling the truth about hunting and promoting conservation. Hosting duties are shared by the FIC’s Executive Director, Doug Chiasson, and Mark Hall, Director of the Foundation and host with his son Curtis of the Hunter Conservationist Podcast (Apple Podcasts; Spotify).
In this first episode, Doug and Mark discuss current trends in auction prices for wild furs, and the state of Canada’s Atlantic sealing industry. You can listen in on Apple Podcasts or Spotify, or watch it on YouTube.
So why has the FIC decided to dive into the world of podcasting?
“It’s really a case of the right opportunity coming along,” explains Doug. “The Hunter Conservationist Podcast has been around since 2019, and I’ve already been a guest on a few episodes, so I know the effort and attention to detail that Mark puts into his podcasts.. Plus the Foundation is the perfect fit for us. When it comes to sustainable use of wildlife resources in Canada, we’re on exactly the same page.”
SEE ALSO: Doug Chiasson: What does the Fur Institute’s new ED bring to the table? Truth About Fur.
Mark is also onboard with the new partnership.
“The Fur Institute of Canada is a global leader in the industry,” he says, “so I’m honoured to be co-hosting the new Truth About Fur Podcast. Trapping and sealing are integral to Canada’s economy and to the well-being of so many Canadian families. We live in the information era, so it is important that people in the fur/seal industry have a trusted source of news and updates from across the country and even abroad. Our goal is for the Truth About Fur Podcast to be that trusted source of information.”
Target Audience

The first episode of the new podcast runs for 1 hour 10 minutes – a sizable chunk of time. So who do Doug and Mark hope will tune in?
“One of the most important tasks of the Fur Institute of Canada is to share information with anyone interested in the fur trade, and reaching as many people as possible requires multiple approaches,” says Doug. “We already have a website, three social media channels and a newsletter for members, and we interact with mainstream media. Now we’re adding a podcast, which fills a special niche. The audio format, plus of course the duration, enable us to dig deeply into issues while catering to people who can’t be glued to a computer screen.”
So who might these people be?
“If you enjoy listening to the radio, you’ll enjoy podcasts,” says Doug, “Maybe you’re a trapper who spends hours behind the wheel of a truck, or in your fur shed. Your hands and eyes are occupied, but you can still listen. Or maybe you’re just making dinner or washing dishes. With a podcast playing in the background, you can learn something while hopefully being entertained too.”
“We also hope we’ll attract listeners from the Hunter Conservationist audience. Trappers and hunters are both parts of the same outdoors community, and face many similar issues. So we’re excited to explore these areas of common interest, and hopefully bring hunters and trappers closer together.”