Fur In The News – 2014 Roundup

Fur In The News – 2014 Roundup


Happy New Year from all of us here at Truth About Fur! Following is a round-up of major news items…
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Why I Wish I Didn’t Loathe Animal Rights’ Activists

Why I Wish I Didn’t Loathe Animal Rights’ Activists


When you are a passionate fur lover and working with a fur organization, you find yourselves fighting many battles against…
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Trappers Must Educate Non-Trappers About What We Do

Trappers Must Educate Non-Trappers About What We Do


The TV news item was about the upcoming duck season, and the soundtrack in the background was a recording of…
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With No Animal Products, Would It Be a Perfect World?

With No Animal Products, Would It Be a Perfect World?


Have you ever wondered what it would be like if animal activists got their wish to eliminate all animal products? And…
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Are Farmed Fur Animals Wild? Not So Much

Are Farmed Fur Animals Wild? Not So Much


When people voice their opinion against fur farming it is an often used argument that farmed fur animals are wild…
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Undercover Video: Concerned Citizens or Shameless Self Promoters?

Undercover Video: Concerned Citizens or Shameless Self Promoters?


In this age of “shock imagery” being used to promote political agendas, it’s easy to paint an entire industry by…
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I Have a Lot of Respect for Trappers

I Have a Lot of Respect for Trappers


On a recent Saturday I attended a small trapper gathering and I must say I always walk away from these…
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Fight Climate Change with Style: Wear Real Fur Not Fake

Fight Climate Change with Style: Wear Real Fur Not Fake


A million people took to the streets around the world, last week, calling on their governments to take action on…
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5 Reasons Why I Support the Canadian Seal Hunt

5 Reasons Why I Support the Canadian Seal Hunt


Two years ago I went to NAFFEM, a large fur trade show in Montreal. I was invited as a blogger, to…
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Animal Rights Agenda Anti-Human, Harms Nature

Animal Rights Agenda Anti-Human, Harms Nature


The animal rights movement claims to be motivated above all by the desire to save animals – each and every one of…
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Mountain Men Wannabes: Allies of the Fur Trade

Mountain Men Wannabes: Allies of the Fur Trade


What is the appeal of the reality TV show Mountain Men, and others in the same genre? If harvesters of…
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Public Morals Are a Slippery Slope

Public Morals Are a Slippery Slope


The World Trade Organisation (WTO) was formed on the principles of free trade and non-discrimination. However, its Dispute Settlement Body…
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