Are foothold traps humane?

Are foothold traps humane?


Historically, leg-holding devices were used to trap animals and many were not considered humane; steel leghold traps were known to…
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How are trapped animals killed?

How are trapped animals killed?


  Most wild furbearers – over 90 per cent, in Canada – are now killed virtually instantly in quick-killing traps….
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How are farmed foxes killed?

How are farmed foxes killed?


“The method of euthanasia on a fox is done by electrocution, and it’s been studied to no end and found…
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How are farmed mink killed?

How are farmed mink killed?


A veterinarian answers: “When harvest time comes around, there are requirements and guidelines that ensure mink are euthanized humanely. A…
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How do we know only targeted animals are captured?

How do we know only targeted animals are captured?


  Modern trappers have a range of techniques to ensure that only the furbearing animals they are targeting will be…
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What happens to the rest of the trapped animal after the fur has been taken?

What happens to the rest of the trapped animal after the fur has been taken?


  For aboriginal and other trappers living far from urban centers, beaver and other wild furbearers provide food as well…
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Why do we still need trapping? Can’t nature take care of itself?

Why do we still need trapping? Can’t nature take care of itself?


  I can understand why some people might think that, especially if they are not aware of how profoundly we…
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Is fur still biodegradable even though it is ‘processed’ to make it long-lasting?

Is fur still biodegradable even though it is ‘processed’ to make it long-lasting?


  Fur is a natural, organic material, and like all such materials will quickly disintegrate and biodegrade unless preventive measures…
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Are furbearers trapped only for their fur?

Are furbearers trapped only for their fur?


  Trapping would be important even if no one wanted fur; regulated trapping is now an essential element of responsible…
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How are the prices of fur determined?

How are the prices of fur determined?


  Fur prices are determined the old-fashioned way, by supply and demand. Trappers and fur farmers send their pelts to…
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Do fur farmers and trappers get a fair price for their products?

Do fur farmers and trappers get a fair price for their products?


  “Yes they do,” says Howard Trager, a fur broker from Montreal. “All the main auction companies in North America,…
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How long does it take to make a fur coat?

How long does it take to make a fur coat?


  It can take from 40 – 100 hours of meticulous craftsmanship to create a fur coat. Each garment is…
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