Skunk Fur, Why Have We Forsaken You?

Skunk Fur, Why Have We Forsaken You?


It’s durable, warm, glamorous and striking. And it comes from an animal that is abundant in the wild, easy to…
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Should We Be Trapping Wolves in Canada?

Should We Be Trapping Wolves in Canada?


The number one threat to all wildlife in North America is loss of habitat. Let me explain why I feel…
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Amazing Facts About Fur: Nature’s Densest Furs

Amazing Facts About Fur: Nature’s Densest Furs


Hair density has always fascinated the fur trade because the densest furs are also the softest and most luxurious. Before the advent…
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Amazing Facts About Fur: Dressing for the Arctic

Amazing Facts About Fur: Dressing for the Arctic


Ask most people what fur is good for and they’ll say it keeps the wearer – animal or human –…
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EU Sealing Policy Is Hypocritical, Anti-Democratic

EU Sealing Policy Is Hypocritical, Anti-Democratic


The European Union recently announced that products made from seals hunted by Inuit people can continue to be sold in the…
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Ontario Trappers Protect People and Property

Ontario Trappers Protect People and Property


Ontario trappers have launched an exciting new campaign to inform the public about how they protect people and property by responsibly managing…
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Q&A: Does Trapping of Wildlife Endanger Species?

Q&A: Does Trapping of Wildlife Endanger Species?


Does trapping of wildlife endanger species? Truth About Fur asked Ryan and Minette Kole, certified nurses and trappers from British…
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Taking New Trappers on Trapline Is Fun, Helps the Cause

Taking New Trappers on Trapline Is Fun, Helps the Cause


When I started trapping in 1959, it was a lot easier than it is now. Oh, sure, there’s more information…
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Trappers Must Educate Non-Trappers About What We Do

Trappers Must Educate Non-Trappers About What We Do


The TV news item was about the upcoming duck season, and the soundtrack in the background was a recording of…
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I Have a Lot of Respect for Trappers

I Have a Lot of Respect for Trappers


On a recent Saturday I attended a small trapper gathering and I must say I always walk away from these…
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Mountain Men Wannabes: Allies of the Fur Trade

Mountain Men Wannabes: Allies of the Fur Trade


What is the appeal of the reality TV show Mountain Men, and others in the same genre? If harvesters of…
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How a Trapper’s Knowledge Solved My Urban Pest Problem

How a Trapper’s Knowledge Solved My Urban Pest Problem


Wildlife experts say there are 20 times more raccoons sharing human habitation space in North America than 70 years ago….
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