Chances are, if you have a fur coat, it’s got a story. Certain items of clothing are more than just coverage against the elements, they can have great significance, whether it be sentimental value, an interesting history, or some other meaning. Because of the cost and the long life of a fur garment, they are rarely a casual piece of clothing. When you ask people about their furs, most will have special stories about their pieces.
Today we are going to share a few of these fur coat stories, not only to highlight the importance of these valuable garments, but also to trace their history and their role in people’s lives. A long-lasting, good-quality fur coat is so much more than just an item of clothing. It can be a piece of family history, a symbol of an achievement, or a sentimental object.
Fur Is In Her Blood

“I would never have imagined that I would marry into a mink ranching family (in fact my sister and I married brothers!),” says Christy A Allen Mullen, from Weymouth, Nova Scotia. “Nor did I know, leading up to my marriage, that I would find out that my great-grandfather Kenny was a mink rancher in the 40’s.
“I begged for a mink coat for several years; my dream came true in 2010. I am now the proud owner of a 7/8 length Blackglama coat made from female skins from our farm. In the spring of 2017, I purchased a vintage Blue Iris coat in New Brunswick. My furrier in Montreal remodeled this into a beautiful new jacket that I could never have imagined owning! I wear my coats EVERYWHERE!! I have had many repairs done from being worn, and even had trim replaced because it was worn out. I am a proud ambassador of fur and our farm, everywhere I go!”
SEE ALSO: 5 great ways to recycle old fur clothing
A Family Living Off the Land

“I was gifted my mother’s fur coat, as so many have, when she was no longer wearing it,” recalls Katie Ball, from Thunder Bay, Ontario. “This coat has much meaning to me. For one, my father trapped each red fox to make it. All 27 came from his trap line, and I remember being there while he collected some of these specific pelts.
“I am now the second trapper of this line, and I spend even more time with him on this land.
“But this isn’t the only reason why this coat is special; I was able to watch the skillful hands of Pirie create this coat from the ground up, for my mother. This is where the love of fur fashion spawned from for me at such a young age.
“I modeled for over 10 years but wanted to get into fashion and create my own items. Fur became that medium. I now own and run Silver Cedar Studio, creating items with furs from our trapline as well as others.
“This coat is a part of who I am. And continues to influence me daily in my passions and trade. Proud to be a trapper.”
Winnipeg Winters

“When I earned my professional designation 18 years ago, my folks helped me buy a full length silver tipped raccoon coat with notched collar, puffed sleeves, and a detachable hood trimmed in silver fox,” says Patricia Prohaska from Winnipeg.
“I take the bus to work and sometimes the bus does break down from the cold. Eighteen years of Winnipeg winters and bus rides to and from work and the coat still looks new. That coat means more to me than my car. I consider it the best investment I ever made – after my education.
“I have worn fur all my life – three of my aunts worked in the business as finishers. Mother nature by far provides the best insulation.”
Do you have a fur coat, jacket, or hat that has a special place in your heart? A treasured hand-me-down or an item of fur clothing that kept you warm through cold times? Maybe it is a coat that you wore for 20 years, a scarf that you bought with your first paycheck, or a pair of fur gloves that kept your hands warm when you got lost in the snow? Have you remodelled a special old coat and turned it into a trendy jacket or a warm pillow for your home?
Please send your fur coat stories (max 300 words) to [email protected], with an image. If you’ve got a good story but you don’t want to write it then send us an email and we can call you and get your story over the phone.
Exploring the rich narratives behind fur coats reveals how they transcend mere clothing, embodying histories and emotions that weave into the fabric of people’s lives.
I own 20 fur coats (9 of them purchased new, 11 are vintage) and I love them all. I am always hoping for colder weather so I can wear my furs. I live in Southern Michigan but want to move to Alaska so I can have more of an opportunity for furs. They are my passion in life.
Hi yes there are good reasons for people to wear fur I own 2 furs a full length silver fox and a silver fox stroller furs are not just for Ladies furs are for male and female
I have also written an article on fur
It is always good to pay a little money on a coat you never want to take off. By choosing a coat that can be worn comfortably anywhere, you can reduce the cost per piece and make a purchase worth buying. Do not rush to the store. Always leave your head and turn carefully until you find the coat. Online shopping is a great way to educate you and learn how to do it. Here are three tips for choosing a new fur for more efficient shopping.
Excellent read!
Are you still looking for fur stories and info? If so i have a million stories since im a certified fur addict
Would be my pleasure to tell funny fur stories serious fur stories and everything in between
Thank you
This is a true story….Raccoons somehow managed to make their way into an older section of row homes in Philadelphia. They found a way to climb into the top floors and attics of a few empty, abandoned homes. In this cozy set-up, conditions were just right for the raccoons to multiply into a huge population.
Brazen, fearless and mean, they chewed through drywall, wiring, roofing and other materials. They actually weakened the structures of the buildings by creating huge holes. Raccoons could be spotted crossing City streets in broad daylight; and residents could hear them clawing their way around their neighborhood. Some of those homes had to be destroyed, and City officials were not prepared to handle such a mass population of wild animals.
Raccoons are carriers of lice, ticks, tuberculosis, rabies and venereal diseases. They are strong and fearless enough to take down an entire farm…including the animals and the farmhouse. I believe this is enough to consider them to be “pest” animals.
However, they have magnificently beautiful coats! I believe environmentalists who do not understand the workings of nature should not ask us to refrain from wearing raccoon fur.
When all is said and done, where does the fur coat of a raccoon settle? It naturally goes back into the earth. Where does the fake or “faux” fur end up? No one knows!
For these reasons, I will be wearing my gorgeous raccoon collars this winter, and I will continue to believe that our forefathers got it right when they made coats from the fur of raccoons.
Beautiful stories and so fabulous of read this ladies and men’s who are proud of love fur and wear fur.
Personally I’m from France and I love fur since childhood, wear fur, stroke fur are always a unique experience and the softness give a fabulous feeling.
Buy fur is not just buy a clothes, we buy a heritage, we buy the work of farmer and rancher who are passionate and love fur.
I have a real feeling with mink, the feeling of this fur is magical for me, I love theirs different colours (brown, black, blond, pastel and more).
I love wear my fur everywhere and I don’t care about people think. I wear mink coat and also I have a beautiful trench with inside full mink and the feeling is incredible…
Long life for fur lover and fur farmer and rancher, always support for our furrier.
Agree with all the above and that is why I spent the money to repurpose my mother’s old fur well taken care of coat into a lining for a raincoat here in LA. Designed it in such a way that the sleeves come off and voila – its a long vest. Wear it in LA. However, I have a bag full of pieces and don’t know what to do with them? Is there a market for them?
There maybe a market for loose pieces, but be careful. But If you could not sell them, about donating them. I would not mind having a few pieces.
I’m a cheapskate, so I, quite happily, will buy a good used fur coat. That so many people make such a fuss about it means I get a screaming deal on the warmest coats, (that’s right I own more than one) I will ever have.
I have loved fur since I was a baby, so it’s not going away anytime soon.
When I was a teen, a next door neighbor used to wear her Sable coat to take out the garbage on garbage day!
Now that’s style!
I currently wear my black mink hooded full length coat in the bitterest of cold to get the mail, groceries and, yes, take out the garbage! A luxe bathrobe, if you will.
Obviously, if I plan to do some dirty chores I’m wearing something else.
I also have a very nice mahogany mink stroller I bought new. Only problem is, when it’s really cold out you really feel cold on your legs. So my preference is a full length coat and my Sorels. Weather impervious!
I will wear my coat if I’m flying in the winter. Airports are safe once you get past security.
You can’t get top of the line fur if the little critter didn’t have a good life to begin with. Used or new.
I just can’t justify spending full bore on a fur coat, and I don’t have to, thanks to all the websites that sell used coats. Get at least a size or 2 larger than normal.
As for the snob factor (Hah!),…
One night I went to a Christmas party at a popular local restaurant and quite a few were wearing fur. One lady was quite proud of her coat. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that it was pretty low grade mink. I know my mink. Remember, when you’re shopping, make sure it has a good thick undercoat and short guard hairs. Not too shiny OK?
It will be a fine day when I can reach the price of a used sable! Nobody does Sable like the Russians. Well, OK, the Canadians are no slouch there. And nobody does mink like the Americans (And I’m covering my head and cringing at this point, because, the Canadians and their Saga mink are top of the line.)
There are a lot of things wrong in the world, but I don’t think the fur industry is one of them.
Look, a good fur, with fully let out pelts is an insanely labor intensive garment, just look under the lining of a fur coat and you will understand why a fur coat will never be inexpensive. But that coat will outlive you, and that’s a great value for my money!
Thanks for reading!
Why people don’t mind you wearing rabbit fur jacket but mind if you wear a mink jacket?? Why??jelous??
Because people are ignorant to put it politely.. I think alot of people associate mink with these fur farm horror stories… Depending on the coat I wear, it tends to draw more looks… I find when I wear my coyote it draw more attention than raccoon…I don’t know if its the colors.. the length of the fur… who knows… all I know is its been -40 with the windchill in Winnipeg, and I have not been cold at all.. I come home and sometimes keep my coats on for another hour just because they are so warm and comfortable!
I love fur and have since I was very young,. Nothing keeps you as warm as a fur coat and I have medical condition that causes my arms to swell in the cold and damp weather. It’s painful. I tried doing faux fur but the warmth just isn’t sufficient. I usually lie if someone asks me if my coat is real cause I feel guilty because I love animals I hate animal abuse. I’m torn with guilt but I won’t give them up.I call it a rescue, MINE,.
I love thrift and consignment shopping.i often look for coats with fur collars, to place on other jackets. I bought a 3.00, just to get the raccoon collar of it. I have it as a removable collar on my warmest motorcycle jacket.
A few months later I went in and found a blush fox fur jacket for 30.00. It is in perfect condition. It is my favourite.
Last week I was looking for a black fur collar for another jacket, and i found a coat with a black fox collar, And fur trim. I got it home for 9.50, and it is a Bugatteli cashmere coat . A 600.00 coat. The collar stays on this one. Nothing is as warm as fur. Nothing is as comfortable as fur.
Great post, It has been a trend nowadays, so I like to have fur accessories. Recently I have ordered fur shawl and neck warmer from the Amifur online fur store. It was amazing to wear.
Being from Winnipeg, you pretty well NEED a fur coat! Pity I don’t see more people out wearing them… I can spend hours outside bundled up in fox, raccoon, or coyote and never have to worry about being cold.
Yes I am a vegan and animal lover but I also wear REAL fur. I have no qualms about this. Below are six reasons why I do not feel guilty about wearing fur:
Many people shy away from buying real fur coats because of the negative press they often receive. However, do you know why you should be wearing real fur? There are many benefits to wearing real fur accessories and coats over choosing man-made materials. Once you realize the many benefits and understand the nature of the industry, you will find buying real fur is one of the best options available on the market.
Incredible Warmth
Perhaps the most important reason people prefer real furs over other types of winter coats is due to the incredible warmth they can provide, even without being bulky. Most people want a coat that will keep them warm against the harsh winter weather. When you think about it, many of the animals from which the fur is obtained spend their winters outdoors without freezing. You will get the same benefits when you are wearing real fur coats as well, all without having to add the extra bulk of man-made materials that aren’t nearly as efficient as natural furs.
As you choose a coat to wear throughout the winter months, you want something that is comfortable to wear, especially if you spend a lot of time outdoors. With real fur coats and real fur accessories, you will find the fur is incredibly soft and doesn’t feel extremely heavy or bulky. While real furs are typically heavier than many man-made materials, the added bulk isn’t often uncomfortable to wear. You won’t find many other coats that offer the luxurious feel real furs can provide.
A Fashionable Option
A winter coat isn’t just about choosing something that will keep you warm and comfortable as you head out into the cold winter temperatures. In fact, most people want to purchase a winter coat that looks great too. When you choose real fur coats, you are choosing a beautiful coat you can enjoy for many years to come, as well as one that is bound to turn heads every time you are out.
A Timeless Fashion Trend
While the specifics of this fashion trend change year to year like many other aspects of the fashion world, real fur coats are a fashion that never quite goes out of style. This means you can buy your fur coat now and still continue to wear it for as long as it lasts. Even if you choose to make changes later, you will find a qualified furrier can provide the changes you need to transform your coat into something new.
Increased Durability
Real fur coats will last for a long time. While you may find you replace other winter coats more regularly, you won’t have the same issue with your furs. In fact, many people are able to pass their fur coats down through the generations. However, it’s important to learn how to take proper care of real fur coats and real fur accessories to ensure they last as long as possible.
An Eco-Friendly Option
Another of the most attract reasons to wear real furs is the fact they are an eco-friendly option. Animals are a renewable resource that won’t ever run out as long as the appropriate steps are taken to protect the species. In addition, you won’t need to worry about what will happen to the coat or other accessories once you are done with them. Most other man-made materials take a long time to break down, but when it comes to real fur coats, they will naturally degrade, making them more environmentally friendly once they are worn out.
There are many reasons why you should be wearing real fur. However, the decision to purchase real fur coats and real fur accessories is a personal one. Some individuals simply love the look and feel of their furs and wouldn’t buy anything else. Other people aren’t sure whether they would like to make this type of investment. When you look at these reasons, you will be able to make a more informed decision as to whether this investment is right for you.
So be like me wear your fur coat guilt free.
Go Linda! Glad you stand your ground. From your name I gather you enjoy leather as well?
One of the BEST things I ever purchased was a full length shearling coat. I once spent 45 minutes on an elevated train platform with NO shield from the blizzard wind chill of -30 while about 100 people were jammed inside the tiny enclosed area around the stairs and I was not cold! When the train came and I got on a woman remarked that my back (which was to the wind) was covered in snow!